Mistras Group
NDT Inspector Level II PT, MT, and RT with IRRSP

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State: GU Guam
Country: United States
I am willing to Travel.
I am on a job and will finish soon.
Currently working but always looking.
I am willing to work overseas.
I prefer permanent jobs.
Navy Nondestructive Testing Inspector Levell II- VT, PT, MT, and RT. Industrial Radiographer Radiation Safety Certified for both X-Ray and Gamma. Generic Material Identification using Niton and Innov-X X-Ray analyzer. Qualified Quality Assurance Work Center Supervisor.
High School Diploma, Gas Free Engineering School(Navy), Navy NDT "C" School. Some welding classes. Some college.
Currently employed at an Intermediate Maintenance Activity onboard USS Frank Cable out of Guam working on Submarines and Surface Ships doing various inspections with VT, PT, MT, and RT for approximately 2 years now. Dealing with Controlled Work Packages and Formal Work Packages for high pressure steam systems, fuel oil systems, high pressure air systems, watertight boundaries, hull integrety boundaries, and Scope of Certification boundaries.
I have been in the Navy for about 5 years now and I have one more year left on my contract. I am a very hard worker and I love working in the NDT field. Mainly as a Radiographer, I have done a few feild shots but mainly alot of x-ray vault shots. I am a fast learner and willing to try anything. I want to get my UT certification along with my degree in Mechanical Engineering. I am single and am willing to try new things and go new places. I am currently comtemplating about re-enlisting in the navy for 2 more years unless I come across a good opportunity outside of the navy. The sky's the limit in my book and I am ready for some new and challenging opportunities
Evident Ultrasonic Inspection Equipment