Evident Ultrasonic Inspection Equipment
Senior Electronics Technician

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State: MI Michigan
Country: United States
I need a job as soon as possible.
I prefer temp jobs.
Pls see resume
psl see resume

I relish the prospect of joining an Electro-Mechanical Technical workforce troubleshooting or managing complex systems which is almost a carbon-copy of my life's work so far.

Ever since my parents gave me the book "Things a Boy Can Do With Electricity," and I earned my ham ticket at age 12 (since expired), I have been immersed in electronics, electro-mechanical and mechanical equipment from cars (General Motors Institute / Cadillac Division) through the HAWK missile and radar repair and calibration (US Army), teaching electronics [Army, Detroit Public Schools and Washtenaw Community College (electronics and mathematics -- including W.J. Maxey Boys Training School, (prison)] and, most recently, providing engineering support for Nobel-bound medical/scientific investigators (University of Michigan). I also have driven truck for B.J. Hughes (cement and acid oil well servicing) through the mountains of Wyoming, Utah, Idaho and Montana.

I took several years "off" to become my mother's daily caregiver with several pieces of medical equipment to maintain as well as her comfort and well-being during her final years.

I sincerely request your consideration. Thank you.

Sincerely, TS Taylor
P0B0X 2137
Ann Arbor, MI 48106

734,817,1982 -- taylorts@umich.edu
Mistras Group