Mistras Group
Constellation Technology Corp
Contact: Patrick Sterling
7887 Bryan Dairy Road Suite 100
Largo FL Florida
United States 33777
Phone: 800-335-7355 x6153
Fax: 727-545-6150

Constellation's laboratories are A2LA accredited in nondestructive testing, chemical, mechanical and fastener testing. NDT methods include RT, film and real-time, UT, immersion and contact, MT and PT. The laboratories also provide NIST traceable calibration services.

Constellation Technology Corporation is focused on providing advanced, state-of-the-art nuclear, chemical and biological solutions for our customers. Recent emphasis is on sensors and instrumentation for the detection, control, and monitoring of weapons of mass destruction.

Constellation performs extensive government research and development for methods of detecting and identifying nuclear, biological, and chemical hazards. Through this research, Constellation has developed an extensive line of products applicable to both the government and industrial markets. Constellation operates a complete mercuric iodide material processing, growth, cutting, and detector fabrication facility. In addition to our manufacturing facility, we maintain laboratories for high pressure noble gas detector development, biological sensor development, and chemical sensor development. In addition, we operate a contract analytical services laboratory that simultaneously holds A2LA certifications in chemical, mechanical and non-destructive test and is ISO 17025 compliant. Our facility is operated as DoD SECRET in accordance with the National Industrial Security Program (NISP) – DoD 5220.22-M.

Evident Ultrasonic Inspection Equipment