Mistras Group
Pix4D launches the viDoc RTK Rover in the USA and Canada
Pix4D, the market leader in photogrammetry solutions, has just made the viDoc RTK rover available for purchase in the USA and Canada. Already available in Europe, the German-designed rover attaches to the latest iOS devices to bring RTK accuracy to terrestrial scanning on iPhones and iPads.

The viDoc rover and PIX4Dcatch solution can replace the need for cumbersome and expensive survey tools such as RTK GNSS rovers and terrestrial scanners for a fraction of the price.

"The viDoc RTK is a very easy-to-use handheld device used to 3D model just about any small area or structure. Combined with processing in PIX4Dmatic with both LiDAR and photogrammetry data, it’s an exciting new and accurate product." – Mark Paulson of VerticalAspect, a professional surveyor with 30 years experience and 10 years of experience working with drones and photogrammetry in surveying.

Read the full article at SuaS News.

Evident Ultrasonic Inspection Equipment