Evident Ultrasonic Inspection Equipment
Allegheny Technologies Incorporated
1000 Six PPG Pl 
Pittsburgh PA Pennsylvania
United States 15222
Phone: +1 724 567 2637, Fax: +1 724 567 2109
Tags: annealing centers coordinate equipment forgings heat machining measuring services treating
Keywords: Industrial Goods and Services Casting, Molding, Machining Industrial Forging
Producing custom, impression die hot forgings, supplying carbon and alloy steel forged components to a multitude of industries.
Forgings, steel forging, carbon and alloy steel forgings from Portland Forge NS4 = (document.layers); IE4 = (document.all); ver4 = (NS4 || IE4); isMac = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Mac") != -1); isMenu = (NS4 || (IE4 && !isMac)); function popUp(){return}; function popDown(){return}; if (!ver4) event = null; if (isMenu) { menuVersion = 3; menuWidth = 90; //width of menu childOverlap = 0; //left margin overlap childOffset = 3; //vertical offset from parent perCentOver = null; secondsVisible = .2; fntCol = "#ffffff"; //color of menu font fntSiz = "10"; //size of menu font fntBold = false; //bold turned off fntItal = false; //italics turned off fntFam = "sans-serif"; //font face backCol = "#cc3300"; //menu background color overCol = "#99ccff"; //mouseover background color overFnt = "#000000"; //mouseover font color borWid = 1; //menu border thickness borCol = "#cc6600"; //menu border color borSty = "outset"; //menu border style itemPad = 3; //menu cellpadding imgSrc = "images/arrow.gif"; //used to indicate submenus imgSiz = 6; //size of the triangle gif separator = 1; //thickness of separator line in the menu box separatorCol = "#cc6600"; //color of the separator line isFrames = false; //not being used in frames navFrLoc = "left"; //frame location if using frames clickStart = false; //don't have to click to see menu clickKill = false; //don't have to click to hide menu keepHilite = true; //retain menu hilight if there is a subcategory menu NSfontOver = true; //mouseover hilight for netscape showVisited = "#666666"; //visited link color } // this is the set up file for the top navigation subcategory menus //About Us arMenu1 = new Array( 135, 12,87, "","", "","", "","", "Full Service","/portlandforge/pages/AboutUs/equipped.html",0, "Meeting Specifications","/portlandforge/pages/AboutUs/specifications.html",0, "Forging Advantage","/portlandforge/pages/AboutUs/forging.html",0, "Quality by Design","/portlandforge/pages/AboutUs/design.html",0, "Our Technologies","/portlandforge/pages/AboutUs/technologies.html",0 ) //Fac
Mistras Group