Mistras Group
Robert Lodato
21 Church Ln 
Middle Island NY New York
United States 11953
Phone: +1 413 625 9020
Tags: circuits components electronic integrated semiconductors
1-Source Electronic Components multi-part search Part Search Perform a search of parts in inventory. Our database is very large, but if you don't find what you need, just let us know and we will track it down for you quickly. Submit a quote request or call 1-800-966-8826 . All the parts you need With over $30 million of available inventory, 1-Source is your immediate source for all board-level electronic, electric, and interconnect components. Please see our line card for details on what we can supply for you. Mil-Spec Components If you require mil-spec just let us know. A large portion of our business is in mil-spec components so we can supply items that may be hard to find elsewhere. Obsolete / Allocated 1-Source can supply you with obsolete, allocated, and all hard-to-find as well as standard items. Submit a quote request or call 1-800-966-8826 . Contract Manufacturing 1-Source joins forces with industry-leading contract manufacturing, design, engineering services firm 1-Source, has long been a single point of contact for all of your raw materials, parts, and tool requirements, and has now extended its offerings to include: - contract manufacturing - engineering services - PCB design & assembly - product design - prototyping - cable and wire assemblies - plastics and molds ... and more! This really adds value to your relationship with 1-Source. Whatever your manufacturing need, come to us! New! Rugged Enterprise PDA Solutions Mobile computing, bar code scanning, wireless database access. Industry solutions include: Medical / Health Care / Construction / Sales Force Automation Logistics / Supply Chain / Warehouse / Inventory Management New! Enterprise Shopping Online shopping with over 14,000 specialty electronics products: computers, networking, scanners, auto ID, POS, telephony, and more. Excess Inventory Contact us to buy or sell excess inventory. Submit a quote request or call 1-800-966-8826 . Specials Extra low prices on selected items for a limited time. Come see our current offerings . search | specials
Evident Ultrasonic Inspection Equipment