9th Int'l Symposium on Nondestructive Characterization of Materials
Start Date: 6/28/1999
End Date: 7/2/1999
Novotel Hotel at Darling Harbor
Sydney, Australia

This symposium will be the ninth in a series of biannual international symposia that were first held in 1983. Prior symposia were held in Hershey, Pennsylvania; Montreal, Canada; Saarbrucken, Germany; Annapolis, Maryland; Karuizawa, Japan; Oahu, Hawaii; Prague, Czech Republic, and Boulder, Colorado.

For full announcements, registration, and abstract submission go to:
or Contact:Robert E. Green, Jr.
Center for Nondestructive
Evaluation, Johns Hopkins
University, Maryland Hall, 3400
N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD,
USA 21218-2689; TEL: (410)
516-6115; FAX: (410) 516-7249;
Mistras Group