Mistras Group
Pipeline Pigging and Integrity Management Conference
Start Date: 2/27/2017
End Date: 3/2/2017
The industry's only forum devoted exclusively to pigging for maintenance and inspection, as well as pipeline integrity evaluation and repair, this event will draw engineering management and field operating personnel from both transmission and distribution companies concerned with improved operations and integrity management.

A. Advanced Pipeline Risk Management **
B. New Pipeline Regulations - Impacts & Guidelines for Compliance **
C. Introduction to Excavation Inspection & Applied NDE for Pipeline Integrity

D. Pigging & In-line Inspection
E. Pipeline Defect Assessment Workshop **
F. Defect Assessment in pipelines
G. Pipeline Integrity Management
H. Pipeline Repair Methods, Hot Tapping, and In-Service Welding
I. Managing Cracks and Seam Weld Anomalies on Pipelines
J. API Recommended Practice 1173 - Pipeline Safety Management System Requirements**
K. Hydrostatic Testing of Pipelines**
L. Safety and Engineering Assessment of Onshore Pipeline Gathering Systems
M. Inspection of Challenging Pipelines


Technical papers will cover:

ILI data assessment, Prioritization of repairs, New tools, Improving tool performance, External coating inspection with ILI tools, Pig launch and receiving systems, New regulations, Is your pipeline clean enough? ...and much more.


Visit one-on-one with the world’s top providers of pigging, ILI, and integrity management services — over 120 companies will be represented.