NDT Level 2 certified tech
This job is closed
NDT.org Job Number: 11154 * Please reference NDT.org Job Number on all correspondence
Contact: Jim Castoldi
Phone: 800-666-5601
Company: ATSI
State: NH
Contact: Jim Castoldi
Country: US
Length: 2-3 mos
Pay: $20 per hour
Qualifications: -Certified Level I Industrial Radiography. -Knowledge of materials and metallurgy. -Formal training in radiography. -Must have thorough knowledge of radiographic and other specialized equipment to effect own repairs and troubleshooting malfunctions. -Ability to maintain relationships that facilitate task accomplishment; to cooperate and resolve conflicts; to recognize needs and be sensitive of others. -Ability to receive guidance and supervision; follow work rules, safety practices, work procedures; meet deadlines; punctuality and attendance standards, etc.
Mistras Group