This job is closed
NDT.org Job Number: 11893 * Please reference NDT.org Job Number on all correspondence
Contact: D.Wilson
Fax: 412-798-8995
Company: Testex Inspection LLC
State: TX Texas
Contact: D.Wilson
Country: United States
Length: 6-9 months
Pay: $19-$23/hr ST
TesTex Inc. is searching for 6-8 Level II UT Technicians for a 6-9 month project near Amarillo, TX. Project dates are from approx. Mar. 20, ’06 to Nov. ’06.

We would like to hire staff out of Houston, TX. and then place the personnel near Amarillo for the duration of the project.

This project has a strong possibility of turning into full time permanent positions with either TesTex or a sister NDT company.

The rate of pay can range from $19.00/hour to $23.00/hour straight time, plus OT; the average hours per week should be 50+. TesTex will provide Rooms/Lodging. Perdiem for meals will be provided on a weekly basis. There will be (3) one-week breaks around Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day of which the travel time to and from Amarillo will be paid to a maximum of (8) hours each way. There are bonuses set aside for the staff that stay through the duration of the project, which can range from $2,500.00 to $4,500.00 per staff member payable at the end of the project.

Pre-employment Drug Screening is mandatory, and testing for cause and/or random drug screening will occur over the duration of the project. A pre-employment background check will also take place to ensure a valid drivers license and negative history of felonies.

Please email resume to: d.wilson@testex-ndt.com and list “Amarillo, TX” in the subject line, or fax resume to 412-798-8995 with “Amarillo, TX.” on the cover page.
We are looking for Level II UT Techs with experience using DMS 2 and Epoch IIIs & IVs, for thickness and B-Scan. Experience working for BPAmoco is a plus. You must be able to prove your classroom training hours for UT, and OTJ experience in UT.

We will be training a subset of the staff on the proprietary TesTex Low Frequency Electromagnetic Technique (LFET) for tank and pressure vessel scanning.
Mistras Group