Evident Ultrasonic Inspection Equipment
CWI Bridge Inspectors
This job is closed
NDT.org Job Number: 12803 * Please reference NDT.org Job Number on all correspondence
Contact: Kim VandeVooren
Phone: (800) 748-0208
Fax: (616) 891-3565
Company: Non-Destructive Testing Services, Inc.
State: MI Michigan
Contact: Kim VandeVooren
Country: United States
Length: Part-time/Full-time/New Projects
Pay: Negotiable
Email: hr@ndtg.net
CWI's required for new assignments on the East and West coasts - Connecticut, Michigan, Ohio, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, New York, Virginia, Maryland, Wisconsin, Illinois, Massachusetts, Oregon and Washington. Shear wave bridge experience required. PT/MT/UT/RT, Level II. Great company benefits and 401(k) matches available for full-time employment. Opportunities for training. Signing bonus available based on qualifications.
PT/MT/UT/RT, Level II - Shear wave bridge experience. Computer skills and quality report writing a must.
Mistras Group