Evident Ultrasonic Inspection Equipment
ATTN: Greenville, SC & Chattanooga, Tenn.
This job is closed
NDT.org Job Number: 21023 * Please reference NDT.org Job Number on all correspondence
Contact: Anthony Perkins
Phone: 864-675-6300
Fax: 864-675-6040
Company: Applied Technical Services, Inc.
State: SC South Carolina
Contact: Anthony Perkins
Country: United States
Pay: Competitive Pay & Benefits
ATTN: Greenville, SC & Chattanooga, Tenn.
We are looking for Level II CR and RT Technicians for piping and boiler tube x-ray. Some travel & per diem, guarantied 40 hours. Greenville, SC would need to be strongest in the area of boiler tube x-ray. Must be a minimum of a certified Level II. Competitive salary & benefits. Fax a Resume to ATTN: Anthony Perkins, (864) 675-6040 or E-mail your Resume to APerkins@atslab.com.
Mistras Group