Mistras Group
ONLY USA RESIDENTS: Looking for Level II Ultrasonic/Magnetic Particle/Dye Penetrant Technician with AWS-CWI QC-1.Level II Ultrasonic/Magnetic Particle/Dye Penetrant Technician with AWS-CWI QC-1
This job is closed
NDT.org Job Number: 26496 * Please reference NDT.org Job Number on all correspondence
Contact: John Traina
Phone: 310-320-5100
Fax: 310-320-2118
Company: Group Delta Consultants. Inc
State: CA California
Contact: John Traina
Country: United States
Length: Full Time

Group Delta Consultants is an engineering, special deputy inspection and construction materials testing laboratory firm with 7 offices in California. We are currently looking for UT/MT/PT and AWS/CWI Inspector to work out of our Torrance and San Diego California offices. Our firm works on construction based projects within the Southern California that include Los Angeles, San Diego, Riverside and San Bernardino. Employment requires the applicant to join Operating Engineers Union Local 12 or already be a member.Please submit resume only if a USA resident or else the resume will be rejected.

All Applicants applying must have the following Skills and must be USA resident only:

1.Certified under Level II SNT TC1A and ANSI/ASNT CP189
2.Certified AWS-CWI Inspector
3.Minimum of 5 years of experience in all licenses (NDT & AWS-CWI)
4.Experience with school/hospital and airport construction. (In California Schools fall under DSA and hospitals fall under OSHPD)
5.Experience on construction sites and shop fabrication.
6.All applicants and their employment with Group Delta Consultants shall be contingent on passing our exam based on UT/MT practical applications and our procedures to be administered by our Level III.