Level II MT, PT, UT, QA / QC Tech
This job is closed
NDT.org Job Number: 27465 * Please reference NDT.org Job Number on all correspondence
Contact: Troy Guillot
Fax: (985) 872-0515
Company: Precision Testing & Inspection, LLC
State: LA Louisiana
Contact: Troy Guillot
Country: United States
Length: Permanent
Looking for a Level II MT, PT, UT, VT technician for full time QA/QC position in Houma, LA. This technician would be working in our customers yard performing various NDT task on oilfield equipment, witnessing hydro testing and padeye load testing and keeping track of our clients documentation and traceability records for this equipment. Hours are Monday thru Friday 8-5 with guaranteed minimum 40 hours a week, paid holidays, 401-k and Health Insurance
MT, PT, UT, VT, experience. Can operate a pc with basic knowledge in Excel and Word. Erosion / Corrosion testing and evaluation experience would be a plus.
Mistras Group