Level II RT,MT,PT,UTS, in St. Louis, MO
This job is closed
NDT.org Job Number: 30043 * Please reference NDT.org Job Number on all correspondence
Contact: Paul Grinnell
Phone: 314-427-0098
Fax: 314-427-8408
Company: JANX
State: MO Missouri
Contact: Paul Grinnell
Country: United States
Length: Full Time Call Out
Pay: Total pay package of $47.45 per hour
Experienced Level II Tech needed for a full time call out position. Hours will vary, but this is a year round position. Must be flexible and ready to work with little to no notice. This is not a "job" it is a "CAREER". Must have a strong work ethic, with a focus on safety and quality. Five years experience in NDT is preferred. Must have IRRSP or State card. We are a Union company with great benefits and one of the best pension plans and training centers in the industry. Must be able to pass company certification exams, drug test, Radiation Safety test,& back ground check. A good driving record is a must. This position is for a true Radiographer that understands API-1104, API-650, ASME Section V, VIII, & IX standards and can produce & interpret high quality film using a gamma source. MUST HAVE LEVEL II EXPERIENCE THAT IS DOCUMENTED AND CAN BE VERIFIED.
The ideal canidate will be honest, hard working, and professional. We have a ZERO tolerance for any NRC violations, Safety Violations, or Company Policy Violations. Follow the rules & regulations, take pride in your work, and above all be safe!!!!!
Email resume' to paul.grinnell@applusrtd.com

1. work any shift and swing shifts
2. be away from home for up to 7 days at a time or more.
3. work well and be Professional toward co-workers, contractors and customers
4. be able to read and understand all API & ASME codes
5. Be on call 24/7
6. work outside in hot, cold, wet, dry, muddy, dusty, and any other weather conditions that happen through the year.

ATTENTION: The position is in the St. Louis, MO area so you MUST live within 40 miles of St. Louis. If you do not live in this area you will not be considered for this position.
Mistras Group