Level II Advanced Service Inspectors
This job is closed
NDT.org Job Number: 50934 * Please reference NDT.org Job Number on all correspondence
Contact: De. Office- Mike Stehl, TX. Office- Lawrence Long
Phone: De-(302)737-5370. TX-(409)350-0776
Fax: (302)737-5371
Company: Westech Inspection, Inc.
State: DE Delaware
Contact: De. Office- Mike Stehl, TX. Office- Lawrence Long
Country: United States
Length: Full Time & Contract
Pay: Negotiable
Westech Inspection is currently seeking Level II Inspectors that possess Advanced NDT Inspection Certs/experience.

-Seeking Candidates for both our DE. & TX offices.

-Preferably Certs/Experience with TUBE INSPECTION (ET,IRIS,RFT).

-Preferably Certs/Experience with AUT C-SCAN INSPECTION.

-Candidates must possess current drivers license and be able to pass a NON-DOT drug screening.

-High Level of Integrity a must!

-De. Candidates please contact Mike Stehl at:

-TX. Candidates please contact Lawrence Long or Ruth Westra
Lawrence Long. Email-Llong@westechinspection.com
Ruth Westra. Email-Rwestra@westechinspection.com
Mistras Group