Engineering Inspectors
This job is closed
NDT.org Job Number: 5914 * Please reference NDT.org Job Number on all correspondence
Contact: Chuck Wozniak
Phone: (305) 592-0410
Fax: (305) 463-2060
Company: SGS Global Trade Solutions, Inc.
State: Miami, FL
Contact: Chuck Wozniak
Country: USA
Length: Contract
Pay: Negotiable
Email: Chuck_Wozniak
Or persons with engineering backgrounds or members of the AWS or API certified wanted to perform industrial inspections as an independent contractor. Experience with pressure vessels, oil/gas platforms, piping, boilers, turbines, rotating assemblies, compressors, condensers, hydrostatic testing, NDT, electrical transformers, switchgear, etc. Candidate will perform vendor surveillance, in process audits, witness various performance testing, final inspection and should have eqpt. to include: digital camera, fax, E- mail, cell phone. Fax resume with 3 professional references and a sample report of past work performed to: (305) 463-2060.

Mistras Group