Evident Ultrasonic Inspection Equipment
ndt, technician
This job is closed
NDT.org Job Number: 7226 * Please reference NDT.org Job Number on all correspondence
Contact: by Email, or Phone
Phone: (506) 447-6445, cel 829-1454
Fax: x
Company: cement Process Tegnologic
State: Central America
Contact: by Email, or Phone
Country: Costa Rica
Pay: to be discussed

I am technician in NDT, and Laboratoty Testing ( tension, bend, and hadrness tes. also part dimensional check, I looking for job, in this area, I get my Qualifications, in Costa Rica, 15 years ago, becoming UN, Programs for Costa Rica, and I have 18 years of experience in Quality Control in The metalmecanica area.

Bachelor in ciencie and art, (11 years, Primary to Bachelor)
Laboratory mechanical, ( 2 yars)
NDT, Courses level II, RT, UT,and level III, UT.under Practices ASNT TC-1A.
Drawing interpretation, course, Technical schooll.
Radiological Proteccion, Costa Rica goverment office.
Metalurgic Course, Welding, Procedures, qualification, and welder qualifications, ASME, AWS, API 1104.
Dimensional chek using Caliper, gage,presicion tool, micrometer, etc.
Mistras Group