Mistras Group
Full Time Inspectors
This job is closed
NDT.org Job Number: 7757 * Please reference NDT.org Job Number on all correspondence
Contact: Brandon Revard
Company: FTS, Inc.
State: OK
Contact: Brandon Revard
Length: Full Time Permanent
Pay: Dependent upon experience
FTS, a progressive inspection company has the following openings for our Ponca City, OK office.

API 510 Inspector,
API 570 Inspector,
NDT Level II Technician (UT)

Benefit package includes holiday and vacation pay, health/dental insurance, retirement plan, life and
disability insurance.

Email resumes to: brevard@ftsinspection.com
5+ years inspection experience within a petrochemical facility.

Professional attitude

NDT Technician should posses a two year degree in non-destructive testing or comparable experience.

Onstream experience helpful