Mistras Group

Insight Quality Services

Insight Quality Services offer services in Training, Consultancy, Inspection & NDE.

In NDE Training Courses and Certifications as per ASNT-SNT-TC-1A / CP 189 are offered in Level I /II and preparatory courses in Level III for Radiographic Testing, Ultrasonic Testing, Liquid Penetrant Testing, Magnetic Particle Testing, Leak Testing, Visual Testing & Eddy Current Testing.

NDE awareness & all training related to Welding, API, AWS and ASME codes is also offered.

Consultancy in ASME U & other stamps, ISO 9001, Health, Safety & Environment, NDE, Welding & everything related to Quality.

Inspection of Pressure vessels, Heat exchangers, Total project, and all fabricated equipment is offered. In-service inspection is also done.

NDE is carried out in Non radiation techniques like Visual Testing, Ultrasonic Testing, Magnetic Particle Testing, Liquid Penetrant Testing and Interpretation of Radiographs.

Insight Quality Services has trained 5000 plus persons till date and is working in India and Internationally.