Mistras Group

Mayo Consulting Services, LLC

Hands-on Testing and Training Programs
At Mayo Consulting Services, we offer nondestructive training programs to help you become certified in the NDT field. We provide Level II training programs that will teach you the basics of...

* Ultrasonic Testing
* Radiographic Testing
* Liquid Penetrant Testing * Visual Testing
* Magnetic Particle Testing
* Eddy Current Testing
* Magnetic Flux Leakage Testing
* 40 Hour Radiation Safety Course

Experienced Training Instructors
Mayo Consulting Services opened its doors to interested students across the country in 2008. Our team is backed by more than 20 years of experience in the testing and training field, so you can always count on us to provide only the most effective and efficient training certification methods available.

Weekend Training Courses
Our training courses are held on the weekends. Radiography and ultrasonic training courses generally last for four weekends while our other training programs typically last one or two weekends.