Evident Ultrasonic Inspection Equipment
Light-Weight Portable Technology Developed for Non-Destructive Inspection of Concrete
Source: PR Media Release
Metna Co. announces the development of a new portable machine to inspect and diagnose concrete infrastructure non-destructively.

Management of the nation’s aging transportation infrastructure constitutes a growing financial burden. Limited resources are available for inspection, maintenance, repair, rehabilitation and replacement of the deteriorating infrastructure. More efficient management of the aging concrete-based transportation infrastructure, enabled by thorough and practical condition assessment techniques, would allow for effective use of available resources to maintain a viable transportation system. Condition assessment of the vast concrete-based transportation infrastructure is challenged by the complex structure and deterioration mechanisms of concrete, and the complicating effects of surface treatments.

Development of compact, lightweight and economically viable equipment for implementing some analytical chemistry methods (e.g., XRD, NMR, XRF, FTIR) have facilitated their growing semi-destructive or nondestructive field applications (e.g., in the field of geology). Initial efforts to make direct use of these methods for semi- or non-destructive field evaluation of concrete, however, have encountered challenges associated with the heterogeneity of concrete structure, and the complexity of concrete structure and deterioration mechanisms.

The Technology

The new technology offers comprehensive capabilities for quantitative investigation of the chemistry, structure and deterioration conditions of concrete using the NMR technique. NMR provides opportunities for nondestructive, spatially resolved field evaluation of concrete. The potential of the novel testing system for investigation of concrete deterioration mechanisms has been demonstrated through laboratory and preliminary field investigations. The rapid, non-destructive, reliable and quantified measurements of concrete towards understanding of the chemical and physical damage mechanisms have been demonstrated. The benefits of the technology in terms of the reduced maintenance requirements and the life-cycle economy of bridge structures have been verified.


Metna Co. offers an expanding portfolio of technologies and products in the fields of inorganic materials, polymer composites, infrastructure systems, and non-destructive test techniques, and provides technical support and test services in these fields. Metna Co. cooperates closely with major private firms and also with federal and state government agencies towards development and market transition of advanced technologies.
Mistras Group