How To Maximize Automation with Eddyfi Technologies RMS Inspection Scanner
By: Eddyfi Technologies
Source: Eddyfi Technologies
We’ve come a long way since the introduction of the first Rapid Motion Scanner (RMS) corrosion mapping solution in 2009. The journey began with the Single Crystal Ultrasonic Testing (SCUT) immersion integrated solution, which enabled users to perform large-area ultrasonic mapping of vessels, spheres, tanks, and pipelines. The RMS platform continued to build on its strong reputation adding phased array corrosion mapping and bringing the ability to speed up the inspection of large areas, while increasing the probability of detection.

The beginning of 2022 brought circumferential/ axial weld scanning and the capability to deliver M-Skip and pitch-catch PAUT for corrosion assessment of vessel and pipework blind spots like pipe and saddle supports - completing the delivery of Non-Intrusive Inspection (NII) techniques. This article highlights each of the capabilities of this field-proven product able to meet the challenges and demands of an ever growing and changing market.

While we have come a long way, as previously mentioned, we’ve also stayed true to or roots by continuing to offer a system which maintains the ability to be used as a standalone integrated UT inspection system through our UT ready control box.

This option is our entry level system pairing the UT ready control box with the RMS APU (laptop) and is suitable for users who are yet to transition into the use of PAUT. In this configuration the system remains as a building block ready for when the advantages of PAUT want to be utilized.

In 2019, the RMS adopted the use of phased array technology for corrosion mapping and retained its integrated solution status through the embedded motor control available on the CaptureTM platform, positioned on Eddyfi Technologies’ PAUT instruments, MantisTM and Gekko®. PAUT is well established as the preferred technology for the detection of corrosion in numerous market sectors and adds confidence to the inspection by maximizing coverage, providing recordable and auditable data sets, all while maximizing productivity with large footprint probes. Huge productivity gains are achieved with the PAUT corrosion mapping technique when compared to SCUT mapping a 1000mm x 600mm area in as quick as 1 minute and 30 seconds.

Read the full article at Eddyfi.com.

Mistras Group