Evident Ultrasonic Inspection Equipment
Maximizing High-speed Inline Inspections, Raising the Bar with ECA, Rust is Busted with Sonyks™
By: Eddyfi Technologies
Source: Eddyfi Technologies
This week with Eddyfi Technologies:

Maximizing Productivity with Panther™ 2: The High-Speed Inline Ultrasonic Inspection Solution
Eddy Current Array Raises The Bar For Round Corner Square Steel Bar Surface Inspection
Rust Is Busted With Robust Sonyks™ Corrosion Monitoring Strategies

Maximizing Productivity with Panther™ 2: The High-Speed Inline Ultrasonic Inspection Solution When it comes to inline inspection of components such as plates, bars, tubes or composite materials, industry standards impose stronger requirements in terms of detectability. This often implies the use of ultrasonic systems and turnkey solutions that provide high sensitivity and repeatability with productivity that matches the throughput of production lines. And while phased array ultrasonic testing technology has long been employed to address these issues, a Beyond Current solution takes productivity to new levels.


Eddy Current Array Raises The Bar For Round Corner Square Steel Bar Surface Inspection Round corner squares, or RCS, are large steel bars with a square profile used in a variety of manufacturing processes. When they are not quite straight enough to fit in inline inspection systems, manual inspection is required. The core can be inspected using standard ultrasonic testing systems, but the surface needs another inspection solution for the detection of surface-breaking cracks and manufacturing flaws. Until now, this task was typically performed using magnetic particle testing, which required operators to perform long shifts of repetitive motion managing a heavy magnetic yoke. This can prove to be both time consuming and hurtful for the operators, causing strain-related injuries. This demonstrates the need for an alternative non-destructive testing method that would meet the detection performance required while making it more ergonomic. To tackle this challenge, the team at Eddyfi Technologies is proud to present a robust and elegant solution based on eddy current array.

https://www.eddyfi.com/en/appnote/eddy-current-array-raises-the-bar-for-round-corner-square-steel-bar-surface-inspection .

Rust Is Busted With Robust Sonyks™ Corrosion Monitoring Strategies At the heart of pipeline vulnerabilities lies a common culprit: corrosion. This gradual deterioration and material loss occur when the metal surface comes into contact with the surrounding environment. Several factors contribute to this sneaky adversary, including moisture, oxygen, impurities in the transported fluid, and fluctuations in temperature and pressure. So, when a client approached us about a more effective solution for targeting local metal loss on tank farm pipework transmitting sulfuric acid to a nearby outlet, we had just the solution to combat this relentless asset integrity threat. Read on to learn more.

https://blog.eddyfi.com/en/increase-the-efficiency-of-your-corrosion-monitoring-strategies-with-sonyks .

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