Mistras Group
Corrosion in Aluminum, The Rise of the XY Crawlers, Orbital Weld Inspection
By: Eddyfi Technologies
Source: Eddyfi Technologies
This week with Eddyfi:

Corrosion in Aluminum: Eddy Current Array to the Rescue, from the Refinery to the Shipyard
The Rise of the XY Crawlers
The Fast and Reliable Alternative for Orbital Weld Inspection: Eddy Current Array

Corrosion in Aluminum: Eddy Current Array to the Rescue, from the Refinery to the Shipyard

Aluminum doesn't rust like iron, but it's not impervious to nature's corrosive grasp. While the term "rust" is reserved for the gradual deterioration of ferrous alloys, aluminum faces its own battle against corrosion. When exposed to oxygen and moisture, aluminum undergoes a subtle transformation, developing issues like pitting and galvanic corrosion, which can leave it pockmarked and weakened. So, while it might not rust in the traditional sense, aluminum's encounter with the elements reveals its vulnerability to nature's relentless forces. Enter Eddyfi Technologies with the Beyond Current solution for early detection.


The Rise of the XY Crawlers

As part of our self-imposed mandate to provide operators with low-risk remote inspection solutions for in-situ assessments and asset integrity management, we are always looking for ways to make things better with efficiency and versatility. One operational challenge that makes some inspections challenging, or even inaccurate, is the need to turn or steer with accuracy a remotely operated crawler vehicle. Think of your own vehicle. Steering and parallel parking is not always that simple, especially when you are in a tight spot (are you sweating yet?). So, what’s the solution here?


The Fast and Reliable Alternative for Orbital Weld Inspection: Eddy Current Array

Orbital welding is a widespread process used in the aerospace industry to produce high quality joints in fuel lines, brake lines, hydraulic lines, among other applications. The integrity of these welds is critical; a small defect could cause a leak and pose a major safety issue. To ensure the reliability of rockets and aircraft, non-destructive inspection is used to ensure the quality of the joint and prevent weld failure. Currently, penetrant testing and radiography are the most widespread methods used to conduct this non-destructive inspection. However, it can require up to one hour for a single weld. With hundreds of orbital welds in an aircraft, this inspection can become intensive in both time and resources. Radiography can also be difficult to deploy due to the safety zone requirements and the limited space around the tubes. This demonstrated the need to develop an alternative non-destructive testing method that would meet the detection performance required for orbital welds while drastically reducing the inspection time. To tackle the multiple challenges involved, the team at Eddyfi Technologies is proud to present a new and more economically viable solution based on eddy current array.

