Evident Ultrasonic Inspection Equipment
Tomsk Polytechnic Developing Thermal Detection of Concrete Degredation
Source: Phys.org
Scientists from Tomsk Polytechnic University together with specialists from NTC Tekhnika proposed thermal non-destructive testing to inspect reinforced concrete supports. It enables efficiently and quickly detecting the corrosion of steel reinforcement hidden behind the concrete shell of the supporting structure. Developers have already studied 14 reinforced concrete supports in Tomsk region. The outcomes of the study were published in Applied Sciences.

TPU Professor Vladimir Vavilov, the head of R&D Laboratory for Thermal Control says: "Now, all railways in Russia are electrified, there is a great number of supports for wires and auxiliary equipment along the railways. Like any construction, they have their service life, which is 50 years. As the service life expires, the supports become unfit for use with obvious negative consequences. It is impossible to replace all supports simultaneously. Therefore, it is necessary to identify those that should be replaced first. Ultrasonic testing is traditionally used for this purpose. Such testing takes up to one day. We propose thermal testing. Here the process takes a few minutes and about an hour together with all preparation works."

Read the full article at Phys.org.

More information: Dmitry Sannikov et al. Evaluating the Quality of Reinforced Concrete Electric Railway Poles by Thermal Nondestructive Testing, Applied Sciences (2018). DOI: 10.3390/app8020222

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