Evident Ultrasonic Inspection Equipment
Advanced NDE Specialist

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State: AK Alaska
Country: United States
I am willing to Travel.
I need a job as soon as possible.
I am willing to work overseas.
I prefer permanent jobs.
Level II - MT, PT, UT, VT.
GUL Level 1 - supplemental qualifications: Buried Pipe (B),
PIMMS (P), Road Crossings (X).
GPR - All GSSI qualifications and training.
UT Phased Array - PDQ (Mark Davis NDE)
UT Phased Array - ULTRAVIEW PDQ (Qpro, Houston, TX)
Automated UT (GE and Mistras LSI)
ACFM - PDQ Level II (TSC) and Lizard M8
Mcleansboro High School - Diploma
University of Kentucky (Gatton College of Business and
Economics) - BBA (Bachelors Degree in Business
12 years experience in NDE.

8 years experience in Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR).
Developed and presented lectures on GPR theory/applications
to various engineering and energy companies in Southern

Specialized training for power plant R0 stage 6F, 7F, 9F
turbine blade UT shear wave inspections. P-Cut, Enhanced P-
Cut, and Standard blade UT shear wave and FPI. 5 years
experience performing these inspections for GE Energy.

Specialized training for power plant generator inspections
using MAGIC (Miniature Air Gap Inspection Crawler). 4 years
experience performing these inspections for GE Energy.

2 years experience performing Guided-Ultrasonics (GUL)
inspections for BP Alaska at the Prudhoe Bay Oilfield in
Alaska. 850 reported scans. 6 total years experience as a GUL operator with
various clients.

4 years experience performing UT phased array for various
energy companies during planned turnarounds, rebuilds, and routine
maintenance. (Code Case and API 1104 inspections).
Mistras Group