Evident Ultrasonic Inspection Equipment
Nuclear Engineer/Nuclear Physicist

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State: NC North Carolina
Country: United States
I am willing to Travel.
I am willing to work overseas.
I prefer permanent jobs.
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina 2002 – June 2004
Current Master of Science Graduate Student in Nuclear Engineering
Thesis: eExperimental Investigation of 6hx6h NaI Detector Response Function.f
Courses: Nuclear Instrumentation and Measurements, Radiation Protection
and Shielding, Reactor Dynamics and Control, Reactor Physics,
Reactor Systems, among others. ( GPA 3.2 ).

Armenian State University, Armenia, USSR (former) 1975 - 1980
Master of Science Degree in Nuclear Physics
Thesis: eCalibration of Lead-Glass Sandwich Calorimeter using cosmic Muons.f

University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, North Carolina 1994 - 1995
Computer Science Department
Computer Architecture, Assembly Language and Data Structure in C
Teaching Assistant for various undergraduate and graduate courses.
Graded homeworks and projects, organized labs, helped students with homeworks.

Radiator Specialty Co., Charlotte, North Carolina 1995 - 2002
Computer Operator and Help Desk
Managed all aspects of computer operations for a wholesale company,
including processed orders, invoices, purchasing, accounts receivable,
inventory reports. Operated in Windows NT and Novell environments.
Provided Help Desk support for internal users.

Yerevan Institute of Physics, Yerevan, Armenia, USSR (former )
Institute of High Energy Physics, Moscow, USSR
Experimental Physicist in High Energy and Elementary Particles Physics 1980 - 1992

Completed data analysis for the NA22 experiment held on the 400 GEV/C SPS
accelerator in CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. Monte-Carlo generated events and
special test run data were used to calibrate two Lead Glass Shower detector matrix
walls of about 1300 cells and to fine-tune the reconstructing software program.
Reconstructed trajectories and energies of originated Photons, using data from
the arrays of Lead Glass shower Gamma detectors. Obtained statistical distributions
of ΁ and particles using ΁ 2 and 2 decay modes. The results
were compared with the theoretical predictions. Also processed the data from two
Hadron Total Absorption Calorimeters. Ten years of Data Processing experience
on DEC/VAX computers using FORTRAN.
Co-authored eight articles in West European Physics Magazines(see attached).

US Citizen
Speak fluently English,Russian,Armenian, good French.
Mistras Group