Evident Ultrasonic Inspection Equipment
Contact: Joel Hay
601 Route 364 
Morin Heights QC Quebec
Canada J0R 1H0
Phone: +1.450.226.6804
Acoustic Emission

TISEC is an Engineering firm specializing in advanced reliability inspection technologies, acoustic emission, ultrasonic and conventional nondestructive inspections, engineering multimedia resources and hydrogen research/consulting.

Our expertise and experience are in ensuring the safety and reliability of load-bearing structures, pressurized and non-pressurized fluid containment systems through inspection, particularly acoustic emission monitoring and ultrasonic testing. We also have extensive experience in writing related codes and standards including participation in ISO committees. Other areas where we have expertise and experience is in evaluating compliance with national and international fluid and gas containment, transportation and construction codes and working with clients to obtain approval for new projects.

Mistras Group