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Location: : Industrial and NDT Jobs : NDT Inspection Jobs : Posted: 8/1/2016 With 90 locations throughout North America, Acuren Inspection, Inc. is the leader in Nondestructive Testing (NDT). Providing a wide range of services in many industries including: Oil and Gas, Petrochemical, Pipeline, Power Generation, Pulp and Paper, Construction, Fabrication, Automotive, and Aerospace. Inspection is our history and our focus for growth. We are a Rockwood company, the worldwide ...Read More Location: : Industrial and NDT Jobs : NDT Inspection Jobs : Posted: 2/20/1999 William B. McCash, E.I.T. 1015 King George Blvd. Apt. 716 Savannah, GA 31415 Phone (912) 961-1399 E-mail Objective Engineering/ Technical Services position where engineering and nondestructive testing knowledge may be utilized to design repairs, trend deterioration, and insure that new construction has been performed in a manner consistent with prescribed procedures and s...Read More On the web we found: