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Rad-icon SkiaGraph8™ PT
Company: Rad-icon Imaging Corporation
Rad-icon proudly announces the general availability of the SkiaGraph8 PT, an expansion of its product line of Very Large Area (VLA) CMOS x-ray cameras. The portable SkiaGraph8 PT camera offers a rugged external housing for field use and supports x-ray energies of 10-160 kVp, which is ideal for medical and veterinary applications as well as industrial inspection applications such as the non-destructive evaluation of up to 10mm of steel or 25mm of aluminum. Consistent with the earlier products in Rad-icon's SkiaGraph product line, the new SkiaGraph8 PT features low power consumption and excellent DQE as well as lower noise, higher resolution, and higher sensitivity than competing devices in the market.

The SkiaGraph product line builds on a tiled configuration of RadEye100 image sensors to achieve a total active sensing area of 8" x 8" (20 x 20 cm) and larger. The SkiaGraph cameras feature low power consumption, excellent DQE, and the same flexible readout modes as its predecessors, the Shad-o-BoxTM and Shad-o-SnapTM camera product lines.

The SkiaGraph8 cameras are capable of real-time imaging at up to 1.3 fps, 12-bit digital contrast resolution, 5 lp/mm spatial resolution and features a choice of scintillators providing impressive sensitivity as high as 250 ADU/mR. A GdOS (Gadox) integrated direct-contact scintillator converts x-ray photons into visible light that is sensed by the CMOS photodiodes. Analog signals from the photodiode sensors are subsequently digitized in eight parallel A/D channels and then interleaved for maximum transmission across a high-speed parallel digital interface.

The SkiaGraph8 base model is optimized for the standard 10-50 kV energy range. The SkiaGraph8 EV model launched in April 2009, and is designed for use with higher x-ray energies or dose rates. The SkiaGraph8 PT model launched in June 2009, and is designed for field use in medical, veterinary, and non-destructive industrial inspection applications. Several scintillator options are available. The SkiaGraph8 camera ships with a desk-top power supply and our ShadoCam software. A frame grabber and data cable must be purchased separately.

Dalsa Corporation
