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Gamex 5.0
Company: Z.U.T. NDT SOFT
Contact: Slawomir Mackiewicz
City: Warsaw
Country: Poland
Gamex 5.0 is the latest version of the popular program for industrial radiography carried out with gamma-ray sources. Its main functions are organized around planning and designing of radiographic techniques in line with requirements of major, internationally recognized radiographic standards (ASME V, Article 2 and EN 444/EN 1435). In addition to the features well known from the previous versions, such as calculation of exposure times, sources activities and received doses, the 5.0 version brings in several new functions closely related to RT techniques development.

The main new feature called 'radiographic techniques designer' covers all aspects of radiographic techniques development and allows for quick and professional preparation of radiographic techniques for testing of different objects in various exposure configurations.
The program calculates for you many important technique variables such as: minimum SFD, minimum number of exposures on circumferential weld, required IQI values, placement of location markers and many other things. The technique designer leads the user through all steps in technique development giving necessary advices and warnings about user defined test parameters.

The software has been developed by experienced NDT Level 3 and is designed to make easier and more effective everyday work of RT professionals. The program interface is user friendly and all program features are thoroughly explained in User Manual and program Help.

Despite the simple user interface the program is based on fairly advanced physical principles. The attenuation of radiation in the material is calculated with due consideration of multi energy nature of gamma emissions and multiple scattering of gamma ray photons. To this end the latest scientific calculations of buildup factors were used which take into account Bremsstrahlung and pair production effects. This approach, together with integrated exposure correction system, considerably improves the program accuracy in calculation of exposure times in comparison to the traditional exposure calculation tools.